URL field in Reminder IOS

In the Reminders app on iPAD 14.4.1, there is a URL field. You can set it in the Reminders app. Retrieve it via shortcuts, and when clicked, takes you to the app identified. In the Goodtasks app, it is displayed at the bottom on the panel by the arrowed circle. And again, can be clicked for action. My question is -- how do I set this field in the Goodtask UI?

Hi @Chrisd, thanks for the feedback.

Unfortunately Apple doesn't provide a way to edit URL field that they use at the moment. You can only view it like how currently GoodTask does. In GoodTask, you use notes field to add/edit url fields.

You can always give feedback to Apple to make them fix it.


Sure it does. Run reminders app on iPad - select the task, click the i, and a details pane pops up. You paste/type into the field marked URL!

I think I wasn't clear. You can add/edit/remove them freely in Reminders app but it's not opened to 3rd party developers through API.
