V5.0 Beta for iOS version

GoodTask v5.0 beta for iOS version starts today. v5.0 will bring several new features and this time, beta will run alongside with the development. Also TestFlight invitation is publicly opened below. You can share it to the ones who want to participate. :slight_smile:

(Build 511)

  • Better Lists view
    : You can now make groups. Make a group and by tapping it, it'll show/hide lists under it.
    : You can also add spaces between lists.
    : Tap 'Edit' on top right to add groups/spaces, re-order.
    : Long tap on a list will show you Contextual menu on iOS 13

: You may turn off 'Lists' in 'Settings - iCloud Sync' if you're using the app with macOS version. Groups will show as a line if you sync the data. There is no plan to beta test macOS version at the moment but Mac App Store version will release with iOS version when it is ready.

  • Other new features will come soon. Thanks!

Will the beta replace the installed version or does “... will run alongside ...” mean I’ll have two versions?

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No, normally the beta ran when main features for the version is done but this time it has started before everything is ready. You may install the beta and it'll overwrite the App Store version. If you install from App Store again, it'll overwrite the beta version.

You can only have one version installed on device. :slight_smile:
