Hi! This place is for people that use GoodTask which is an iOS/macOS Task Manager app based on Apple’s Reminders & Calendars.
It’s first made to share themes that can be made inside the app.
It may grow up to discussion about GoodTask use in general and how updates will go. I hope you enjoy using the app and this forum too!
Website : http://goodtaskapp.com
iOS app : http://itunes.apple.com/app/id1068039220?mt=8
macOS app : http://itunes.apple.com/app/id1143437985?mt=8
Quick question's:
- what's the preferred way to submit bugs for the app?
- what's the preferred way to submit feature requests?
The more I am using GoodTask (and loving it) I am coming across a couple of each. I'd love to make note of them in the most effective way possible.
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You may send an email to contact@hahaint.com for all the things. If you’d like to discuss about it, this place is good to go too.
Only just found the forum, good to be here!